
News Entries


    Posted on Jan 18 2013

      1ST  WEEK 5TH JAN Chipili Margaret Phiri Judith 2ND WEEK 12TH JAN Chola Gloria Sendapu Susan   3RD WEEK 19TH   Sakala Twig Himachila Ivy 4TH WEEK 26TH Chipili Margaret Ph...

    Posted on Jan 18 2013

      1ST  WEEK 5TH JAN Mbilitu Bernard Chongo Howard 2ND WEEK 12TH JAN Mulamba Max Sakala Fredrick 3RD WEEK 19TH   Fungwa Alfred Chongo Howard 4TH WEEK 26TH Mbilitu Bernard ...

    Posted on Jan 18 2013

      1ST  WEEK 5TH JAN Mbilitu Bernard Chongo Howard 2ND WEEK 12TH JAN Mulamba Max Sakala Fredrick 3RD WEEK 19TH   Fungwa Alfred Chongo Howard 4TH WEEK 26TH Mbilitu Bernard ...

    Posted on Jan 18 2013

      1ST  WEEK 5TH JAN Mbilitu Bernard Chongo Howard 2ND WEEK 12TH JAN Mulamba Max Sakala Fredrick 3RD WEEK 19TH   Fungwa Alfred Chongo Howard 4TH WEEK 26TH Mbilitu Bernard ...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...
  • After being in the district for five years,Pastor Abitana Hachamba finally bed farewell to the church as he has been transfered to Muchenje Mission District within Central Zambia Conference. Pastor...

    Posted on Dec 07 2012

    Central Zambia Conference has officially been split into two, Namely Lusaka and Central  Zambia Conference. Districts that are CZC  Emmasdale,Lilanda, Lusaka West,Lusaka North, Matero, Muc...
  • Governance in the Church

    Posted on Nov 22 2012

    Governance means getting things done. This is true of general social life, and it is also true of church life. Governance also involves organization, which means the organizing of things into a fun...

    Posted on Oct 25 2012

    It is time to say good bye to submiting your reports late, its time to perform your duties anytime anywhere in a digital way. As Eden north we have chosen to do things in a much simpler way when ca...
  • Eden north SDA church a young fast growing Adventist church within the territories of Lilanda Mission District on Saturday 20th October hosted the Children ministries day. The event was characteriz...
  • The children prayed allowed a prayer of David; 1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.2     He makes me lie down in green pastures,he leads me beside quiet waters,3     he refreshes my soul.He ...
  • Eden north the fast growing church this year gave birth to a branch called Barlastone Villa. this branch was generated after a join crusade between Barlaston Park and Eden North.  on the 9th of sep...
  • we go digital

    Posted on Jun 22 2012

    Eden North just like other churches in the conference has also gone digital in the church operations. this comes after successfully opening their websit
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